Vocabulário sobre Namoro e Casamento:
Caros leitores, seguem abaixo 13 frases muito interessantes sobre o tema
namoro e relacionamento. Acredito que a maioria delas são aplicáveis em situações do cotidiano.
1. Estar a fim de alguém: To be interested in
Ex: Are you interested in her? (Você está a fim dela?)
2. Chegar em alguém (aproximar): To approach
Ex: How to approach women. (Como chegar nas mulheres.)
3. Levar um fora (não conseguir que o relacionamento comece)
/ Dar um fora (não aceitar começar o relacionamento): Turn down.
Ex: He was turned down again. (Ele levou o fora de novo.) / He turned her down. (Ele deu o fora nela.)
4. Namorar: To date
Ex: She’s dating my friend. (Ela está namorando meu amigo.)
5. Terminar o namoro: To break up
Ex: He will break up with her. (Ele vai terminar o namoro com ela.)
6. Ser Fiel: To be faithful
Ex: I was faithful to her. (Eu fui fiel a ela.)
7. Trair: To cheat on/To two-time
Ex: She never cheated on you. (Ela nunca te traiu.) / He two-timed her (Ele a traiu.)
8. Fazer-se de difícil (fazer doce): Play hard to get
Ex: She was just playing hard to get. (Ela só estava se fazendo de difícil.)
9. Estar apaixonado: To be in love
Ex: I think I´m in love. (Acho que estou apaixonado.)
10. Dar o bolo em alguém (faltar a um encontro): To stand somebody up
Ex: He stood her up. (Ele deu o bolo nela.) / I hate it when you stand me up.
(Odeio quando você me dá um bolo.)
11. Conquistar o coração de alguém: To win somebody’s heart
Ex: You’ve won my heart (Você conquistou meu coração.)
12. Esquecer alguém (superar os sentimentos de tristeza devido a separação):
Get over
Ex: I’ll get over you. (Vou te esquecer.)
13. Voltar (um tempo depois de terminar o relacionamento, o casal volta a ficar junto):
Get back together
Ex: She wants to get back together with him. (Ela quer voltar a namorar com ele.)
/ They got back together. (Eles voltaram, estão juntos de novo.)
I hope that helps!
A little bit more:
1- “Ficante”- So come on, tell us, who’s your date [quem é seu ficante] this evening?(Macmillan)
2- "Fling" não é uma boa opção. É usado no sentido de "relacionamento" curto e sem compromisso.
A definição de "fling" que você mostrou não me parece comum.
3- "Steady date" é um namorado (ou namorada) pra valer. Quem tem um "steady date" não namora com
4- Português: Aliança de compromisso- Inglês: Promise ring
I want to propose to my girlfriend after we finish graduate school (in 2 years), but should I get her
a promise ring first?
A promise ring is a promise of commitment and often precedes an engagement.
When should I get her a promise ring? You should get her the ring as soon as you want to promise to
become engaged to her in the near future.
Promise rings are typically inexpensive bands exchanged between young couples that have pledged exclusivity in their relationship. While they can be thought of as pre-engagement rings, promise rings
might fall more along the lines of exchanging class rings, or a commitment to "go steady [compromisso de namorar sério]." Additionally, promise rings can symbolize any promise or pledge made between people,
even friends. For this reason promise rings are also referred to as friendship rings.
In the case of romantic relationships, promise rings remind each bearer of the monogamous link to his or her partner. Once promise rings are exchanged, both people assume they can rely on the promise of the other to remain true. Promise rings often usher in the first serious relationship between young people.
5- Pedir em namoro / casamento- Martin proposed to Abgail (pediu a mão dela em casamento).
6- Noivar - Se o "noivar" a que você está se referindo for "ficar noivo"...Então este pode ser:
Get engaged. Exemplo:They will "get engaged" next month.(Eles vão "ficar noivos" mês que vem.)
7- Bride >> é a Noiva, mas só no dia do casamento. "The bride's dress is really beautiful!"
Groom >> é o Noivo, na mesma situação. "The groom is anxious, isn't he?"
Fiancée >> é noiva, como em "Ela é minha noiva" > She's my fiancée.
Fiancé >> noivo. "Ele é meu noivo" >> He's my fiancé.
Estamos noivos >> We're engaged.
fiancee: a woman who is engaged to be married / intended bride = mulher comprometida ->
antes de entrar na igreja
fiancee: engaged man = homem comprometido = noivo -> antes de entrar na igreja
bride: in wedding -> chegou o grande momento e a noiva está entrando na igreja
groom ou bridegroom - > chegou o grande momento e o noivo está entrando na igreja
Lá vem a noiva = here comes the bride (se for aquela celebração na igreja)
newslyweds: just-married couple -->recém-casados.
Vale lembrar que "fiancé" é o nome dado ao noivo(a) antes deste(a) se casar.
"Bride" e "groom" são usados durante a cerimônia (reception) de casamento
8- Como dizer 'casar no civil' e 'casar no religioso' em inglês:'Have a civil wedding'
e 'have a church wedding'
a.Eles vão se casar no civil.(They´re going to have a civil wedding.)
b.Eles se casaram no religioso.(They had a church wedding.)
9- Para dizer Padrinho de Casamento em inglês basta utilizar a expressão: best man
Exemplo: When a man in the UK was asked to be the best man at his friend's wedding, he was
10-"Bridesmaids" são as madrinhas de casamento.
A "principal" delas faz também o papel de dama de honra (já notaram nos filmes que muitas "damas de honra" são adultas, e não crianças como aqui no Brasil?). Se solteira, é maid of honour, se casada, matron of honour.
11-Pode-se usar "marry": to perform the ceremony at which two people get married.
Do Longman Dictionary;
The priest who married us was really nice. >> O padre que nos casou era muito gente boa.
12-Casar, realizar o casamento- "The priest who solemnized the marriage...
"The priest who wedded them was Paulo.
13- Acompanhar a noiva até o altar,entrar com a noiva na igreja,etc:Walk the bride down the aisle
Ex: Her father walked her down the aisle.(O pai dela a acompanhou até o altar.)
14- Votos de casamento- Do you know what vows is ?
Weeding vows is the nicest part of a marriage ceremony. The exchange of vows is a tipical part of the ceremony when the couple say wonderful words to each other and show all their love to each other.
Wedding Vows: votos de casamento
15-Jogar arroz nos noivos- To throw rice at the bride and groom.
"And why do you throw rice at the bride and groom? The custom originated with the ancient Assyrians, Hebrews, and Egyptians as a symbol of fertility and good wishes for a bountiful life. Although nowadays, you’re more likely to throw confetti, flower petals or the ever-popular bubbles. That tradition began due
to the fact that rice is bad for birds to eat. "
16- wedding favors = lembrancinhas de casamento / doces de casamento = wedding sweets
17- Quando dizemos "Tal pessoa é pra casar", no sentido de que ela tem bons atributos para ser um(a)
bom(a) companheiro(a), temos em inglês o equivalente "marriage material".
Também:A good catch.
18- Em inglês:Common-law marriage:União estável
Convivente:Common-law husband;Common-law wife
You also can use : Consensual marriage.
19- 1) Bodas de prata:Silver wedding (anniversary)
2) Bodas de ouro:Golden wedding (anniversary)
3) Bodas de diamante:Diamond wedding (anniversary)
20- Name the Day:
Tradução: marcar o dia do casamento
Pronúncia: /ne
ɪm/ /ðə
/ /deɪ/ (
entenda os símbolos fonéticos)
Exemplo: Well? Have you named the day? (E então? Vocês já marcaram o dia do casamento? )
HAVE A NICE VALENTINE’S DAY: In Brazil ( June 12th) - In the US ( Feb. 14th)
Mother's Day is a holiday honouring mothers; it is celebrated on various days, in many parts the world.
Mother's Day holiday, in the United States, celebrates motherhood generally and the positive contributions of mothers to society. It falls on the second Sunday of each May. It is the result of a campaign by Anna Marie Jarvis (1864–1948), who, following the death of her mother on May 9, 1905, devoted her life to establishing Mother's Day as a national, and later an international, holiday.
Precursors to the American Mother's Day
Precedents for the currently observed "Mother's Day" include:
• "Mothering Sunday" in the UK and Ireland is on the fourth Sunday of Lent. It was originally a time when Catholics were supposed to travel to attend Mass in their "Mother Church" (the regional cathedral) rather than in their local parish. By the Reformation, it had changed into an occasion for children to visit parents. An 1854 source mentions a couplet: "On 'Mothering Sunday,' above all other/Every child should dine with its mother."[1]
• "Mother's Day Work Clubs" organized by Anna Jarvis's mother, Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis (1832-1905), to improve sanitation and health in the area. These clubs also assisted both Union and Confederate encampments controlling a typhoid outbreak, and conducted a "Mothers' Friendship Day" to reconcile families divided by the Civil War.
• The "Mother's Day" anti-war observances founded by Julia Ward Howe in 1872[2]
Both are sometimes claimed as the "founder of Mother's Day," implying that Julia Ward Howe's June 2nd occasion and Anna Jarvis' second-Sunday-in-May event are one in the same. It is even suggested that an anti-war and feminist holiday was co-opted by the forces of sentimentality, tradition, and Hallmark Cards.[3] But although Mother's Day was celebrated in eighteen cities in 1873, it did not take root. It continued in Boston for about ten years under Howe's personal financial sponsorship, then died out.[4]
Julia Ward Howe's Mother's Day, celebrated on June 2nd, was first proclaimed around 1870 by Julia Ward Howe's Mother's Day Proclamation, and Howe called for it to be observed each year nationally in 1872. As originally envisioned, Howe's "Mother's Day" was a call for pacifism and disarmament by women. See Mother's Day Proclamation.
Early "Mother's Day" was mostly marked by women's peace groups. A common early activity was the meeting of groups of mothers whose sons had fought or died on opposite sides of the American Civil War.
The first known observance of Mother's Day in the U.S. occurred in Albion, Michigan, on May 13, 1877,[5] the second Sunday of the month. According to local legend, Albion pioneer, Juliet Calhoun Blakeley, stepped up to complete the sermon of the Rev. Myron Daughterty, who was distraught because an anti-temperance group had forced his son and two other temperance advocates to spend the night in a saloon and become publicly drunk. In the pulpit, Blakeley called on other mothers to join her. Blakeley's two sons, both travelling salesmen, were so moved that they vowed to return each year to pay tribute to her and embarked on a campaign to urge their business contacts to do likewise. At their urging, in the early 1880s, the Methodist Episcopal Church in Albion set aside the second Sunday in May to recognize the special contributions of mothers.
On February 4, 1904, South Bend, Indiana resident Frank E. Hering made the first Public Plea and started his own campaign for a national observance of "Mother's Day" in Indianapolis, Indiana.
1- Overprotective mother ( mãe coruja )
Exemplo de como usar: She was an overprotective mother who did everything possible to please her child.(Ela era uma mãe coruja que fazia tudo para agradar o filho.)
2- unwed mother/ Single mother ( mãe solteira)
3- birth mom or biological mother (mãe biológica)
4- Como dizer 'barriga de aluguel','mãe de aluguel' em inglês:Surrogate (mother)
5- Very good mother (mãezona)
6- Tom ainda está grudado na barra da saia da mãe dele = Tom is still tied to his mother’s apron strings.
Ele não é um pouco velho pra ainda estar debaixo da saia da mãe? = Isn’t he a little old to be tied to his mother’s apron strings?